Easington Sports open age group were keen to continue their festive tradition donating presents to Banbury Children's ward as well as purchasing a sofa bed for the overnight room at Katharine House Hospice. A small club donation also contributed to make all the purchases possible ahead of Christmas Day.
Club first team captain Elliott Barton and Ladies manager Leah Kinch co-ordinated a collection from the open age groups and it is fair to say, this brought festive cheer and the feel good factor for all players, management and committee who attended. Chairman Richard Meadows, Committee member Vinny Halsall and first team manager Andy Sharman made a low key visit to Katharine House Hospice whilst more energy and fun was to be had on the Children's ward.
Visits today were the last thing to be carried out ahead of Christmas Day. We will be sharing more news ahead of our XMAS game against Daventry Town on 28th December (12.00pm kick off)
Best wishes to you all... Merry Christmas